Swim Squad: Purbeck Sports Centre 4-5pm
Swim Squad will commence again from 22nd September. We will be training in 10 week blocks, from 4-5pm at the Purbeck Sports Centre. These sessions will be designed to develop your speed, endurance and technical ability in the water as well as practicing open water techniques. The coaching is based on the Swim Smooth philosophy, so we will be working to your CSS (critical swim speed http://www.swimsmooth.com/training.html ) and will be using swim smooth drills. For those athletes attending who are not already following a goalspecific training plan, you will have the opportunity of receiving 2 further swim sets to complete during the week.
Alongside this we are also running a junior lane, taken by level 2 coach Ade, therefore if you have a son / daughter looking to improve their front crawl technique and endurance, we have a couple of places available. However, this is not for complete beginners, they do need to be able to swim 200m front crawl continuously.
Places are limited so please contact me for further details at goalspecific@gmail.com. We only have a few places left for this first block, however, there will be a second block after these 10 weeks which I can place you on.