Weymouth Half: Isobel’s target race of the season
Blog /
15 Sep 2015
Last October i signed up for Challenge Weymouth half distance iron man and now here i am 24hrs after the event still grinning from ear to ear. I have to admit that i am an ‘all or nothing’ person when it comes to it and so i did my best to stick to Fran’s plan each week. I nimbly juggled full time work, being mum to a 1yr old, being a domestic goddess (hahaha!)and training. My mother said i was losing sight of priorities and taking on too much….she couldn’t have been more wrong, all the training gave me head space, “me time”, it slowly gave me more body confidence and i was actually getting genuinely more happy generally. As i gained in physical strength i gained in mental strength and so the training had very positive effects across my life. Over this season i did all BustinSkin’s triathlon events, starting with a sprint, then 3 classic distances and an Aquathlon every Wednesday during the summer; let’s not forget an amazing week cycling around and up Alpe d’Huez with goalspecific traning as well as doing the Weymouth Half Marathon in March.
All that prepared me very nicely for yesterday and boy did i enjoy it! It was ‘my day’ it was ‘that day’ that had been circled on the calendar for so long. I grinned throughout the whole thing…though it did become a bit of a grimace towards the end of the run! Before i set off i told myself that 7hrs would be a respectable time and 6:30hrs would be fantastic….i did it in 5:32 and felt totally epic, i swam like Jaws was after me, cycled like my pants were on fire and ran…well, as best i could!!
….i am now troubled as i don’t know what to do next…..but should maybe give myself the week off to start with