Junior Run workshop
/A huge well done to all of the juniors who came along to the run workshop at the Purbeck Sports Centre today. David Chalfen, a London based athletics coach, who I am now working alongside (http://www.triruncoach1to1.com/) visited our club, and provided a days session for our Tripurbeck Juniors of run training and strength and aerobic circuits. David was very enthusiastic and positive about the attitudes, ability and enthusiasm of our club juniors, and enjoyed working with you all today, as did Ade and myself, so well done to you all, and rest the legs for a couple of days!!
Junior Squad starts again in 2 weeks, running 10am-1pm, which will include working once again on the turbos, combined with a run set, and a swim session! Look forward to kick starting the training for a 2015 season of racing!